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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 08/15/2011
Chichester Road Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
August 15, 2011
Chichester Highway Office

Road Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting Monday, August 15th

Meeting called to order at 6:30 by Doug Hall, Chairman.

Attending:  Amsden, Hall, McCormack, Dobson, Plunkett, Brehm, Debold, Jameson, Mayville
Absent:  none

The committee approved the minutes of the 7/25/2011 meeting.

Discussed effort with Central NH Planning Commission.  Various contacts have been made and will be
made with that organization to further the project of detailing Chichester roads.

Discussed: 2012 warrant article - plans for Fredwood drive.  Fredwood was originally scheduled for 2012 then pushed out.  Recently the road has deteriorated significantly.  The committee voted to recommend  not paving Fredwood, but rather just to grind, roll,  do culvert and underdrain work only.   Total cost of $12,093.80 (costs include town equipment and town labor).  See attached Warrant 2012 #2.
Discussed 2012 warrant article - plans for East Ricker Road – Discussion centered around whether to do entire 3,725 foot stretch or just a large portion thereof.  Committee voted to recommend doing the entire length of the Chichester  portion of the road.  Total cost of $136,756.13 (costs include town equipment and town labor).   See attachment Warrant for 2012.pdf.   This vote was conditional
on determining that the “Chichester portion of the road” is actually in Chichester and not somewhat in Loudon.  An investigation of this will be done.

Discussed 2012 warrant article – plans to ask town for $32,00 to supplement (and needed to use) a FEMA grant of $148,000 for culvert and work on Perry Brook road.  Town must appropriate the $32,000 this year or next year or lose the FEMA grant.  Committee voted to recommend that the town raise 32,000.00 to support this grant.  Note!  There have been town expenditures that likely will substantially
reduce – or even remove - the amount needed to be raised by warrant.

Discussed 2012 warrant article for a new truck.  It was decided that this item is not under the purview
of the Road Advisory Committee (RAC) but rather under that of the Fleet Committee.  No further action will be taken by the RAC on this item.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Upcoming schedule of events:
Monday August 29 at 6:30 P.M. – RAC meeting at the Highway building
Monday September 12 at 6:30 P.M. – RAC meeting at the Highway building
Monday September 26 at 6:30 P.M. – RAC meeting at the Highway building

Respectfully Submitted – John Amsden